Do you know what options are available
to you or your parents for their aged care?

If you’re located in the Camberwell or Mornington Peninsula area, I can help.

Aged care financial advisor Camberwell

Not sure how to find out what aged care you can afford?

It’s hard to navigate all the options for aged care.

It’s a complicated system and planning your budget for aged care services for you or a loved one can be overwhelming.

The best way to fund aged care will depend on your own financial circumstances and wishes. My aged care financial advice can help explain the wide array of choices out there.

I’ll help you to:
• Understand Aged care facility fees
• Negotiate aged care facility fees
• Deal with Centrelink forms and assessments
• Minimise your aged care costs


Aged Care Financial Advisor Camberwell

Most importantly, in line with the aged care legislation, I’ll offer multiple alternatives for the family to assess so that you are fully aware of your options and how they’ll be affected by changing circumstances.

The decision will be yours, with the confidence of receiving the facts in an easy to understand format and with help to identify the best course of action.

I’ll also liaise with Centrelink directly to ensure that the administration side of aged care is simplified and straight forward without any further concern for you and your family.

Are you concerned about the cost of residential aged care?

Avoid being caught out by hidden fees. I can help you to anticipate the up-front costs and ongoing payments.

Working in consultation with the Service Managers of the largest aged care facilities in Victoria, I’ll construct a cost-effective strategy which enables you to:

  • Pay significant lump sum payments up front if needed.
  • Establish an income stream to cover the associated daily costs.

Get the help you need to plan ahead for affordable aged care.

Worried about what happens next?

I’ll work with my clients over the course of 6 months. From the time you decide to explore your options, to creating your aged care financial plan and booking the arrangements in, you’ll have the guidance you need to support your decision-making.

If your circumstances or needs change, or the service provider’s fees change, or Centrelink needs something else from you, I’ll be there. You’ll be able to adjust your plan with the confidence of tapping in to the right advice at the right time.

Proven Financial Solutions Aged Care Financial Advisor Camberwell

My partner and I were in the early stages of retirement when, unexpectedly, he was diagnosed with a degenerative condition that necessitated admission to residential health care.

We needed information and advice for a number of decisions regarding choices of residential care and accommodation, and how we should organise our finances in view of possible future uncertainties. We came to realise that we needed specialised assistance with the large and complex task ahead. 

A colleague referred us to Richard, who came to our home for a free consultation – a detailed and productive discussion in which he gained a full picture of our situation, identified the key financial issues specific to us, and gave an assessment of what would be needed and the estimated costs.

We engaged Richard, confident in his abilities to assist us through the whole process, which he certainly did.

J. Lee

Getting started with a financial solution is easier than you think

Make a confidential appointment wtih me today by following the link to my calendar

RCL Meaden Family Trust and Richard Meaden are Authorised Representatives (Auth Rep No 1258633/403554) of Clarity Financial Services Pty Ltd AFSL No. 276771